1960-ban születtem Szarvason, itt élek és alkotok ma is. Ahogy az önéletrajzomat kezdeni szokták kissé közhelyesen, de már engem is gyermek koromban érdekelt a rajzolás. Gyermekrajz pályázatokon igazolni látszódott, hogy némi tehetségem is van hozzá. Ezt a tényt csak a tanáraim nem tolerálták kellő képpen, mert nem csak a rajzórákon alkottam, hanem más órákon is. 25 évesen rádöbbentem, hogy a festészet lesz az, ami jövőbeli életemet ki fogja tölteni. Arra is rájöttem, hogy mennyire keveset tudok a festészetről, és ahogy tanultam ez az érzés egyre jobban gyötört. Ekkor ismerkedtem meg Csuta Györggyel, aki a békési művésztelep vezetője. Meghívott a telepére ahol már professzionális művészek dolgoztak. Igazából itt szippantottam bele először a terpentin, lenolaj illatába. Lenyűgözött ez a szentély ahol láthattam a művészeket munka közben. A művésztelep után kinyílt a világ. Meghívtak több szimpóziumra megismerhettem a különböző országok, kontinensek kortársműveit, ami teljesen megváltoztatta látásmódomat, rálátásom lett egy objektív világképre. Máig tartó barátságok kötődtek, sokat tanultunk, tanulunk egymástól emberileg és szakmailag egyaránt. Ebben az időszakban jelentkeztem Zebegénybe, művészeti képzésre, Aknay János volt a mesterem a plen air szakon. Nagy szerencsémre ekkor indul Szarvason egy felsőfokú művészeti képzés, és vendégdiákként részt vehettem a foglalkozásokon, főként anatómiai rajzokat, ábrázolást, illetve festészetet tanultam. A mesterem Gerzson Pál volt. Ez az iskola sajnos csak négy évig működött, ezután valami oknál fogva megszüntették. 1999-ben a munkáim alapján felvettek a Magyar Alkotóművészek Országos Egyesületébe, ami hivatásos alkotóművésszé avanzsált. Ekkorra már kialakult stílusom volt, sok egyéni és csoportos kiállításokon vettem részt, külföldön és itthon is. A sikerek vittek mindig előre a pályámon, visszaigazolás és motiváció nélkül számomra nehéz lenne az alkotás. Számos galériának dolgoztam, a gyűjtők és a magánszemélyek felfigyeltek munkáimra. A festészet biztosítja a megélhetést a mai napig.



“Although the painters may think in paintings, they are the interpreters of combination of sight, mind and personality. My creative driving force is the research: to study the infinite possibilities of colours and shades. I believe that painting is a kind of silent communication. It is a silent contact between the painter and the viewer. It is important for me to express my thoughts clearly and honestly in my paintings. I do hope that I have succeeded in it.”


I was born in Szarvas in 1960, and I live and work here even now. As it is often mentioned in the autobiographies as a commonplace, I was also interested in painting in my early childhood. In children's drawing competitions it seemed to be proven that I have had some talent for painting. Unfortunately this was not tolerated by my teachers at school, as I did painting not only on drawing lessons but on other lessons as well. When I was 25 years old, I realized that the painting would be the main activity of my life in the future. It was also realized how little I knew about painting, and going ahead in learning this feeling became stronger and stronger. At this time I met György Csuta, the leader of Békés Community of Artists. He invited me to his Community where professional artists were working. Actually this was the place where I first sniffed the scent of turpentine and linseed oil. I was very impressed by this sanctuary of art, where I could see the artists at work. After working at this community the world was opened up for me. I was invited to several symposia, could be acquainted with contemporary art of different countries, which has changed my vision completely, and I got the objective view of the world. I have made still lasting friendships, and we could learn much from each other both humanly and professionally. During this period I applied for arts training to Zebegény, where János Aknay was my master in the plein air course. I was very lucky because at this time a higher arts education was started in Szarvas, and I could participate in it as a guest student. I made mostly anatomical drawings and learned depiction and painting. Here Pál Gerzson was my master. Unfortunately this school was functioning only for four years then it was closed for some reason. In 1999, based on my works, I was enrolled to the National Association of Hungarian Artists, which made me a professional artist. By this time I have had my own style, participated in several individual and group exhibitions both in Hungary and abroad. The success has always brought me forward in my carrier. I have always needed confirmation and motivation in the course of work. I have worked for many galleries and the collectors and private people have also discovered my works. The painting has provided the living for me till the recent time.



„He is a conscious painter. The harmony, the sensitivity and receptivity to the general human values and the respect of beauty and equilibrium are traceable in his paintings. The structures of nature, the organic forms and especially the flowers are his favourite topics. His big-size poppy paintings are extremely decorative. In his other pictures specific architectural motifs, or outposts of Roman age at the seasides and structures of Mediterranean buildings i.e. a sort of elementary experiences connected to the constructed environment can be identified. (The triptych painted for his daughter consists of similar motifs e.g. children's drawings and topics of naive paintings.) It is the lyrical abstract which can be identified in his each painting not depending on the topic of the painting or the mode of expression. His human figures are carriers of absolute human values like fear, challenge, ugliness or beauty.”